Practice is the back bone of the martial arts. There is no other way to become proficient at the things you learn. The most important things to learn are stances. Just like the foundation of a building, without good stances everything else is weak.
Constant Repetition and Practice is Necessary
You don’t just learn something once and have it down. There are small improvements that one can always make if you pay attention to details and practice.
Always Be Open to Learning New Things
Sometimes there are chances to learn new or different techniques.
Seek out opportunities to learn something new. The best martial artists are life-long learners.
Seek Training From Multiple Sources
Don’t be afraid of leaving your comfort zone. Too many martial artists stay with in their own system. They are afraid they might not be as good as another group. Who cares? If you stay within a know-nothing system, you will learn nothing. Always try to work with some one who is better than you or knows more. That is the only way to progress.
Learn Respect and Stay Humble
There is nothing more annoying than a self centered cocky black belt who thinks they know it all. Usually this is a front for a shallow base. Humility is a must for the very best martial artist Here is a definition to work towards:
Humility- A serene state of mind exhibiting nonjudgmental tolerance and understanding with a modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance.
~ Ronald Leach, Hanshi